F/A-18 Hornet Tactical Briefing

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A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away...), two net pilots - Richard P. Grant and Michael Wehner - met virtually in a flight sim newsgroup. This is their story. They regularly exchanged their Hornet replays to discuss them, and had a lot of fun with it. Later, they decided that they would share their madness with other netpilots. So these marvellous pages were born.

If you would like to contribute (please!):

You can send us your replays, together with a short and significant description of what you did there up in the skies.

Short and significant means more than just the mission name, but less then explaining basic, boring things like : "I increased throttle now, turned radar on and saw a bandit at bearing 230. I decided to attack him and headed, while losing height from 3800 - 2500 ft, right at the point where I saw this big building in my first approach, but after......"

You get the idea. Weapon loadout, and why you did it are useful stuff to have. Please also state SAM/AAA/Pilot skill and missile lethality, and which version of Hornet, and which database/theatre. This is especially important given the plethora of options one seems to have now.

Your replay will be refereed by our expert team (guess who!), and depending on their totally subjective (it's a hard, hard life, yes) opinion you may receive the honour of placing it here, together with your Pulitzer-nominated description.

Replays will be judged on (among other things) the following criteria:

  1. Originality, e.g. well, he took out the SAM-site with flares, good idea, isn't it ?
  2. Elegance, e.g. she did the job with just one missile and one bomb, dropped at the right time.
  3. Flying skills (if you manage to fly backwards, belly up under the Pearl Harbor memorial, without losing your engines, you may pass).
  4. Air to air combat skills. Taking out MiGs by colliding with them is generally frowned upon.
  5. Ground attack skills (the difference between moving mud and clearing landscapes).
  6. Velocity, e.g. damn, what has he done ? Can't find the the slow motion button ....
  7. Using/exploration of unknown/unusual features, situations or graphics.
  8. Mission success.
  9. Correct identification of enemy targets.
  10. Dedication and courage above and beyond the call of duty... he had both engines out and was smoking like a Phantom but still managed to nuke the Supergun. We'll send the DFC to his next of kin.

As you can see from the title page, there are a number of categories of replay, and it is generally up to the pilot as to which category their replay belongs in. All replays will be credited with the (real) name of the pilot, unless we receive instructions to the contrary.

How to submit files

A word about sending files: Please send compressed files (eg Stuffit, *.sit or Compact, *.cpt, or *.zip for PC users). It is a good idea to BinHex them. Applications such as Eudora do this for you if you send it as an attachment. Descriptions can be written in Simpletext or BBEdit (Emacs or Notepad for the other platforms) and compressed along with the mission replay.


We're also open to tactical discussions, interesting solutions and other tips. The more you contribute, the better this resource will be.

Send all files to


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Made With Macintosh

Maintained by Richard Grant. Original concept by Michael Wehner. Graphics and HTML by Nige. The pages are best viewed using Netcape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 2.0 or higher. This site is not officially endorsed by or affiliated with Graphic Simulations