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Richard P Grant

scientist, poet, gadfly

I read Biochemistry at the University of Oxford (Lady Margaret Hall) and was awarded my DPhil, on the structure and function of the cytoskeletal protein talin, in 1994.

I've been variously described as CS Lewis on acid, Awesome, but not always right, a genius, a super-abundant genius, the Herodotus of the scientific age, a diamond blinding geezer, a marvel!, and crucially, confusing for others.

I have 15 years' research experience in industrial and academic laboratories, in Oxford, Cambridge and Sydney. In 2009 I joined Science Navigation Group, working first on the Faculty of 1000 website, and then writing and editing The Scientist Magazine. In 2010 I became a Senior Writer in a medical communications agency in London, progressing to Executive Scientific Director. I am now open to employment.

My research interests focused on how the structure of biological macromolecules determines their cellular function. Science is still a major part of my life, both professionally and personally: dodging flak in the No Man's Land between science and art, taking photographs, and writing short fiction and poetry.

I designed and built the independent science blogging network Occam's Typewriter, and try to remember to write there at Confessions of a (Former) Lab Rat.

When the Guardian Science Blog Network was a thing, I used to write there too.

Publication list

Research Blogging Awards 2010 Winner!