Random projects
Code monkey
Apart from my purely hobby websites (including the one you're now reading), I've also been hired (one way or another) to make sites for other people. Call this a 'portfolio', if you like.
Lately I've been using WordPress to create websites, especially the ones with dynamic content. This site and jennyrohn.com are not in WordPress, but they are in PHP. The stuff below is all HTML (with CSS, natch).
- Occam's Typewriter—I designed & built this network as a new home for a group of very talented refugees from the defunct Nature Network blogging platform.
- Jenny Rohn—Jenny needed somewhere distinct from LabLit.com (which I rebuilt and now run) to talk about herself and plug her novels. Which you should go and buy and read, and then buy copies for all your friends.
- UCL Women—The 'Women in STEM' networking group at University College London needed a place on the web they could call their own. And voilà.
I have too many websites. Sometimes I can't find them. Or forget I even have them.
- Richard's Methods Folder—created when I was postdoccing at the LMB.
- Royal Virtual Air Force—I misspent much of my youth on various flight simulators. And building websites about it. (Archive of original site.)
- Penguins—I've got nothing against penguins. It's just that when a rep gives them away, well, sometimes it gets a little lonely in the lab.
- Grime on the Patient Mariners—a silly college tale.
- UCSM gems—in one of those forgotten parts of the internet, a newsgroup, where people sometimes said funny things.
- Deletetheweb—I collect websites like stones gather moss. Or something. This is another collection of stuff, linked here so I can find it.
- BioLOG—Not quite the original, but pretty much. It's been going in one form or another under rg-d.com since early 2001; before that I had a presence at the MRC-LMB, and before that a website at the University of Oxford, going back to about 1996.
- Science is Vital—how we revolutionized science funding in the UK. For once I didn't build the site—but I was the Secretary.
- Beyond the drawbridge—unsanitized tales from the lab in Sydney
- Letters from Mordor—even less sanitary tales from the lab in Cambridge
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Currently N/A; Uptime (D:H:M) 1:13:16
RG Discovery
Richard is happy to consider any requests for ad hoc consulting services. Please contact him directly (see below) for schedules and to discuss your requirements.