Cork in the Bottle (Hole in One)
This mission contains the eight bytes preceding the first object in the mission, so install at decimal 4804926 if your Hornet 3.0 data file is like mine. Otherwise, install wherever your mission 25 begins.
This mission is balanced to play correctly with everything at default difficulty. If you're good enough to get by regularly without breaking a sweat, just crank up the enemy SAM and pilot ability and things will head south fast.
Recommend you take 2 HARMs and some extra fuel -- you'll need it.
Hornet One's job is to safeguard the two-stage bombing mission of two A-10s. They will first neutralize the enemy airbase at Radif al Khafi, then proceed to destroy the "Big Gun". You have Hornets Two and Three and an F-16 to help you. There are several threats you must deal with, including:
- SAMs, which will destroy your air support, then the A-10s if you let them.
- A flock of MiG-23s bent on the same mission. If they get A-10 #1, the mission's over, since he's the one who will take out the AAAs. (Don't show up at the base early to take care of #3 below, or you'll be sorry!) Lose #2 and you still might make it, or #1 after he does in the AAA, as either A-10 has enough ordinance to demolish the gun.
- Enemy intercepters at Radif al Khafi, who will scramble at the approach of the A-10s and you. If you don't dally too much taking care of the MiGs, you might be able to get to Radif al Khafi in time to damage the first MiG-21 trying to take off, thereby blocking the takeoff of the remaining MiGs, who will have to wait until A-10 #1 turns around and blows them all to kingdom come! If you miss, you may have as many as 4 MiG-21s to deal with. Not to mention the Flankers. We'll let you find them.
- The two Bears that are circling around to flatten your base! That's right, if your air support doesn't get them (and sometimes they just don't make it) you need to have a few missiles and enough fuel left to beat it home in time to save the day.
If the gun's destroyed and your base is not, and you manage to land there, consider it a victory.
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