A10! Tactical Briefing

Pilot Resources

Allan Grayson schreibt:

These screenshots I took are to help anyone who has trouble downloading the A10 Attack updater files in their 4 parts from Parsoft's server at http://www.parsoft.com/support/updater.html

Macintosh computers will only display, I think 31 characters, but the file names of the A10 Attack updater are too long to be of any use. As a result anyone who downloads these files will have trouble with them in regards to the main part recognizing the other parts.

These screenshots, in jpeg format, are a way to view how these files can be downloaded to one folder and renamed in such a fashion to make the main part of the updater see the other 3 parts. Then, and only then, will the thing unstuff and create the updater installer.

A10 Cuba updater on Parsoft's server is ok, the parts are named properly.

Maybe the folks at Parsoft will fix the names, who knows?

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