Photographs taken by RVAF officers on active duty



3 comrades Friend!  
Three SpitVs on patrol.
Note the funeral
pyres of hapless enemies
A fellow B24 snapped
through the upper gun sight
Going . . . . . . going . . . . . . gone!
A series of pictures from the 'gun' camera of a Spitfire Mk V flown by a RVAF officer.
The unfortunate target is a Messerschmidt Bf109
Going . . . . . . going . . . . . . gone!
Similar series to that above, but this time from a RVAF Mk I Hurricane
I *love* a target-rich environment  
A beautiful sight, gun-eye view  
behind you bleedin' smokin'
This series demonstrates the devastating firepower of 8 .303 machine guns set to converge at 100 yards.
The hapless Junkers 87 has no chance.
Bugger Steers and q . . . . I hope he's friendly . . .
 A non-standard landing [CK]         In wartime, we don't always have
time to go to the butcher [CK] 
 A welcome sight [CK] 
Tally-ho! Walk of life Homeward bound
 'Red leader, trade, 12 o'clock'
 Any landing you can
walk away from . . . 
 Coming home 
Scramble! bad day stopped in time
 'Number two section,
 A bad day for Elgato   Could have been worse 



RPG October 2000
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