
Everyblog is broken

28 Nov 2002
bad Apple

16:54 All right - so who else thought this headline had something to do with our favourite computer manufacturer? I need to get out more . . .

21 Nov 2002
Jobs we'd love to have

11:34 Imagine getting paid to act like a child again. LEGO is Good™.

21 Nov 2002
Reasons to be cheerful

11:30 More reasons to move to New Zealand (as if I needed 'em) - cooling beer with jet engines.

21 Nov 2002
No watches or pacemakers

09:50 I'm not scared of magnets. I spent a year solving a structure by NMR. But this little story will make me think twice about sticking my head in a MRI scanner. As CK commented, another MCSE enters the workforce.

20 Nov 2002

09:45 So . . . finally got Jagwire installed at work, and more importantly, started moving my keychain items over to X from 9. Why can't I do that automagically? Grr.

The major news is that I've been playing with Fink (instructions for Jagwahr), thence installing X-Darwin and a nice window mangler, OroborOSX.

And the point of the whole exercise? Well, initially I thought it would be cool to run crystallographic protocols on the iMac. But even better is to run them on the Alpha cluster, but windowed in the Mac, which is pretending to be an X-term. See here for the Xgeeky goodness.

12 Nov 2002
You'd better watch out

12:37 Stories like this make me uneasy, but not for the reasons you might suspect. Buying computers with built in access controls? Uncle Bill is watching you. Don't get me started on the arms race that this will engender, but I can't shake the feeling that this whole thing is over-hyped and a play on our fears as parents . . . to sneak through legislation, technology, something that is worse than the condition itself.

08 Nov 2002
Here we go again

12:14 So it looks like 'Moron' Blunkett is gearing up for another attack on our liberties and freedom. I guess the first statement (which was later withdrawn) wasn't jingoistic enough, although it did use the phrase We must ensure that we live free of the fear of terrorism, otherwise the terrorists have won with malice aforethought.

07 Nov 2002

12:45 Bah. It really hurts because of my background. Irrelevant? That's us.

06 Nov 2002
Too much

12:17 Why? The ship, I mean, I understand the computing thing.

06 Nov 2002

12:15 Helen makes a good point. Millions of voices shouting into cyberspace, each desperate to be heard. Why? Is it some kind of self-validation exercise? Are our lives that worthless? I'm (even more) depressed now.

06 Nov 2002

12:05 This guy is a professional. I should play with my camera more.

06 Nov 2002

12:05 I find it hard to believe that some people think the moon landings were fake. NASA seem to be taking the doubters seriously though, which makes me think that they are dignifying them too much. William of Occam; your razor is in reception.


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